• Save NT Portable Long Service Leave
    Because of government funding changes, many community + disability sector workers never get to stay with one employer long enough to take long service leave. That’s why states and territories throughout Australia are legislating for portable long service leave so workers take their leave entitlements with them between employers.   Northern Territory workers are about to fall behind the rest of the country because of the CLP Government. Sign the petition and stand with Australian Services Union members in calling on the NT Government to save Portable Long Service Leave. 
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by ASU SA+NT Branch
  • Demand employer-funded paid parental leave at G8 Education
    Here are the facts:  • 91% of the early childhood workforce is female. • G8 Education is one of the largest ASX-listed companies that doesn't offer employer-funded paid parental leave for their employees.  • In the 2024 Global Gender Gap Report, Australian women are ranked 42nd in the world for economic participation and opportunity (down from 38 in 2023). • In Australia, a third of the gender pay gap is due to the time women spend in unpaid care work.  • G8's current gender pay gap is 20.1% (of the average total remuneration according to WGEA's latest data) • By not offering employer-funded paid parental leave, G8 Education is helping to grow the gender pay gap. It is perpetuating the 'motherhood penalty' which sees the average 25-year-old woman make $2 million less in lifetime earnings than the average 25-year-old man who also becomes a parent.   • Degree-qualified early childhood teachers are leaving the sector to work in schools with better pay and conditions, including employer-funded paid parental leave. If this continues, the quality of early learning in Australia will suffer as we lose dedicated and highly skilled teachers.    Teachers, educators and young children deserve better.    It’s time for G8 Education to step up and show they value the essential work that their teachers and educators perform. Please sign and share this petition today. * This petition supports Sustainable Investment Exchange’s campaign to pressure G8 to fund paid parental leave for staff. Learn more about the activist shareholder’s campaign here.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by IEUA NSW/ACT Branch Picture
  • I will vote to protect our rights at work
    The Liberal Party has promised to scrap recently won improvements to our rights at work: • pushing to cut superannuation to 9% • they will kill off new ‘right to disconnect’ laws, which stop bosses hassling us at home • they will wreck ‘same job, same pay’ laws • they will take away rights for casual workers, making them easier to exploit and to sack • they will scrap laws that criminalise wage theft. This is just the start. The Liberal Party says “everything is on the table” when it comes to dismantling Australians’ rights at work.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by We Are Union
  • I will vote to protect my retirement savings
    Peter Dutton’s colleagues want to slash the Superannuation Guarantee to just 9% for us... while maintaining their own at 15.4%. This would cost the average 30-year-old worker up to $165,000 in lost super by the time they retire.  The Liberals also plan on pushing first home buyers to take money from their superannuation to buy a house, inflating house prices while robbing young Australians of security in retirement.  Australia has one of the best retirement income systems in the world. Let’s protect it.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by We Are Union
  • Reproductive Leave for every worker
    No one should have to work in pain or sacrifice their income to care for their health. Reproductive leave would allow workers to care for their health without financial stress or fear of discrimination. Let’s create fairer workplaces for all workers. Sign the petition to call on 10 days of reproductive leave today!
    541 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Tell the RBA: It’s Time for an Interest Rate Cut
    Inflation has dropped from 7% to under 3%, yet the RBA has not approved a rate cut in over 15 months. Meanwhile, central banks around the world are cutting rates to ease cost-of-living pressures. Australians cannot afford another month of sky-high mortgage repayments and rent increases. It’s time for the RBA to act in the interests of working Australians, not just big banks and billionaires. Australian workers and families have been struggling under relentless cost-of-living pressures. Thirteen consecutive interest rate hikes from May 2022 to November 2023 have made mortgages and rents unaffordable for millions, while food and petrol prices remain high. Many Australians are forced to go without just to keep a roof over their heads. Despite global inflation stabilising, the RBA continues to hold rates high - putting profits over people. There is even talk of another rate hike at the next RBA meeting, which would devastate households already stretched to the limit. We can’t afford more delays. Tell the RBA: It’s time for an interest rate cut
    1,076 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Queensland Unions
  • Protect Our Penalty Rates
    Over a million Australian workers rely on penalty rates to ensure they are fairly paid for the work they do, including working evenings, weekends and public holidays. The Australian Retailers Association, (ARA) backed by major retailers including Coles, Woolworths, and Kmart, doesn’t believe these workers deserve penalty rates. Despite the retail industry making over $7 billion in profit just last year, in a blatant attempt at cutting wages they have applied to the Fair Work Commission to cut penalty rates from Awards and Enterprise Agreements. If successful, this would mean workers lose overtime pay, evening and weekend penalty rates, work breaks, and see reduced rest times between shifts—from 12 hours to just 10 hours. We need to send a strong message to Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, and the ARA that Australians won’t accept cuts to penalty rates or reductions in fair pay standards.
    3,921 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Queensland Unions
  • HPS provide fair wage increases
    We, the undersigned, commit to support HPS Pharmacists to pursue a fair wage increase and help create a better HPS.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Inglis Picture
  • Solar Savings for All
    We’ve already won $500m from the federal government to upgrade social housing energy efficiency and electrification, but we need to go further! It's time to empower every Australian to cut their energy bills. We call on the government to take immediate action to help Australian workers  • An additional $4.5bn investment to eliminate upfront costs of home energy upgrades, and rooftop solar and batteries for millions of Australian households hit hardest by the cost-of-living crisis • A $50bn commitment over 10 years to help all Australians access cheap, renewable energy • A guarantee that all Australians - including those in low-income homes, renters and communities experiencing disadvantage - can benefit from energy savings Sign the petition here to become a part of the Renew Australia for All campaign. We will send you news about important actions we are taking together to win change.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Phillips
  • Youth Workers Care, Pay Us Fair
    To recap, when the Department of Child Protection released a tender that would lock in below award wages our Union took action and has been working to resolve the issues. After weeks of direct advocacy, your action over the last 24 hours has helped lock in a win and today we have spoken with the Minister Hildyard's office to confirm the Department would update the tender that has now been published to the sector. We thank the Minister and the Department for listening to you, the frontline workers. Now, our work continues to: • Push for a state wide fair jobs code for community services to ensure all Government tenders reflect fair wages and secure jobs • Win a fair Award Award classification structure to properly reflect your skills and experience As we've experienced overnight, when community sector workers take action we can change Government policy and win good outcomes for our members. Share this win with your workmates and ask them to join you in our Union so we can keep improving working conditions across the youth and community services sector: www.asusant.com/sant.com
    823 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by ASU SA+NT Branch Picture
  • Scrap Junior Rates Now
    Young workers still face the same expenses as other workers in rent, groceries, education costs and more. But in our unfair system, an 18-year-old with years of experience could be paid less than their 21-year-old newly hired colleague just because of their age. Sign the petition today if you agree everyone should be paid fairly regardless of their age!
    669 of 800 Signatures
    Created by NSW Young Workers Hub
  • Stop Pharmacy Bosses From Blocking Our Award Pay Rise!
    Employee pharmacists are Australia’s lowest-paid health professionals and are leaving the industry in droves. Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA), the union for employee pharmacists and technicians, has submitted a comprehensive case to the Fair Work Commission calling for a long-overdue minimum Award wage increase for pharmacists of $188.30 per week and a 14% increase for Interns, Pharmacists In Charge and Pharmacy Managers. But the Australian Private Hospitals Industrial Association (APHA) is calling on the Fair Work Commission to block all proposed pay increases. Pharmacists deserve better and are calling on APHA to acknowledge the vital role of pharmacists by amending their submission to the Fair Work Commission to support a fair pay increase.  Sign this petition to demand that APHA stop blocking a pay increase to the minimum award rate. Let’s show APHA that their stance isn’t just unsustainable – it’s deeply unpopular.  Pharmacists deserve better, and with your signature, pharmacists can put pressure on APHA to change their position.  Together, we can demand change. Support Australia’s pharmacists today: 1. Sign the petition to show your support for fair wages for pharmacists. 2. Share this petition with everyone you know – pharmacists, healthcare professionals, and community members who rely on and value pharmacists’ expertise.
    1,536 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Professional Pharmacists Australia Union