• 26th January in Surfcoast Shire
    Why this is important to us  We, the undersigned, strongly endorse the Council’s resolution in 2021 and its pursuit of reconciliation since then. It means a great deal to us that the  Council has listened to the First Nations people when they say that 26th January is a day of mourning that raises memories of stolen children, the hiding of First Nations heritage, and similar trauma within immediate family circles.   What needs to happen  We expect the current Councillors to uphold the Council’s first steps towards paying due respect to the Wadawurrung and Eastern Maar people. These first steps need to be consolidated and expanded upon. In the future, we hope all Shire citizens can continue to learn more about the deep and rich heritage of an ancient culture that has survived and begun to thrive again, enriching the whole community.
    1,903 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Vandenberg
  • ANU ZERO: Demand Zero Investment in Fossil Fuels
    The ANU’s Socially Responsible Investments Policy, adopted after years of persistent student pressure, remains in shambles. The policy prohibits investment in companies that make 20% or more of their revenue from coal, but it says nothing about oil or gas. The policy prohibits investment in companies that make civilian weapons like handguns, but not companies which make military weapons which are many times more destructive. Recently, we found that the ANU was investing over $35 million in projects that break their own emissions rules. Also, ANU’s most recent documents show a $32.7 million investment in BHP, one of Australia’s biggest producers of thermal and metallurgical coal. They also show a $6.7 million dollar investment in Australia’s biggest oil and gas producer, Woodside Energy. We say all of those numbers should be ZERO. We need to sign this petition to signify to the university bosses that we're still not satisfied with their investment decisions.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ANUSA Environment Collective Picture
  • Save the Environment Collective
    The Environment Collective has been strident and effective for many years. In 2012, the Environment Collective’s campaigning convinced the ANU to divest from unethical fossil fuel company Metgasco, the first divestment of its kind among universities in Australia. In 2013, our campaigning was able to get the ANU to create a Socially Responsible Investments Policy and throughout the 2010s our advocacy made the ANU improve that policy. In 2019 and in the early 2020s, we ran large climate strikes and protests on campus which achieved huge media coverage around the country. In 2024, we contributed to a campaign that successfully led the ANU to ban investment in small arms and controversial weapons. Unfortunately, despite our record of success, some leaders in ANUSA, which controls and funds us, are pushing to abolish the Environment Collective partly because of opposition to the Collective’s political activism in the past. This is despite the fact that Environment Collective is a democratic body that any student can participate in.  Why do they want students to vote to cripple environmental activism in a time of climate crisis?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ANUSA Environment Collective Picture
  • Solar Savings for All
    We’ve already won $500m from the federal government to upgrade social housing energy efficiency and electrification, but we need to go further! It's time to empower every Australian to cut their energy bills. We call on the government to take immediate action to help Australian workers  • An additional $4.5bn investment to eliminate upfront costs of home energy upgrades, and rooftop solar and batteries for millions of Australian households hit hardest by the cost-of-living crisis • A $50bn commitment over 10 years to help all Australians access cheap, renewable energy • A guarantee that all Australians - including those in low-income homes, renters and communities experiencing disadvantage - can benefit from energy savings Sign the petition here to become a part of the Renew Australia for All campaign. We will send you news about important actions we are taking together to win change.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Phillips
  • Say no to nuclear power in Queensland!
    Nuclear power poses grave risks for Queensland that outweigh any potential benefits. It would strain our limited freshwater resources, compete with agriculture and communities for water access, and produce hazardous radioactive waste we lack facilities to safely manage long-term. The threat of radioactive leaks or accidents could devastate our environment, contaminate food and water supplies, and cripple industries like tourism and fishing.  If a Chernobyl-like accident were to happen at a Callide nuclear power plant, the exclusion zone would span the area between Biloela north to Rockhampton, south to Gladstone down to Agnes Waters on the coast, and back across to Biloela – making a significant chunk of Central Queensland uninhabitable. Working people can’t afford the Liberal National Party’s nuclear pipe dream. It’s too expensive, too late, and too dangerous.
    2,683 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Queensland Unions
  • No Future for Nuclear
    We all know why Peter Dutton and his fossil fuel mates are pushing for nuclear power. To protect their profits by stalling our transition to renewable energy. Nuclear power will take decades to get up and running and will be extremely expensive - it is the most expensive option for Australia's energy. As a community we must show Peter Dutton that Nuclear has no future in Australia. Please sign and share the petition to show Peter Dutton and the Liberals that Australia rejects nuclear.
    5,815 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Trades Hall Council
  • Let's get a bin for Storey Rd Reserve, Reservoir 3073
    Storey Road Reserve is a gathering place for a diverse range of community members including; older people, local children and families, couples and singles who all rely on the park for active movement, greenspace and social connection. It's also a pocket of habitat for local wildlife in a built-up suburb. We face a public health and environmental threat due to the absence of public bins. It has led to an alarming increase in the improper disposal of waste, particularly bags of dog excrement. This situation detracts from our park's ability to be a calming green and clean space and poses a health risk. The presence of dog waste is not just unsightly; it’s a source of contamination and potential spread of diseases, which could particularly affect the young children who play in the park and community members who are immunocompromised or elderly. In addition littering of sharp waste has been observed which could cause injury and illness. Plastic waste is often dumped and this causes death and injury to local wildlife. In the interest of public health, environmental cleanliness, and community well-being, we urge the Darebin Council to install public bins in Storey Road Reserve in the next budget. We believe installing bins will encourage responsible waste disposal, thus preserving the park's hygiene, amenity and improving social behaviour. It also aligns with our community's environmental stewardship and public health values.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess Barry
  • No nuclear submarines in Port Kembla
    There is broad-based community alarm and dissent that Port Kembla is being considered as the East Coast base for nuclear submarines as part of the AUKUS agreement. There has been no consultation undertaken or consent given by our community. Port Kembla, as part of Greater Wollongong, was declared a nuclear-free city more than 30 years ago, and its status as a nuclear-free zone was reaffirmed only last year. If a nuclear submarine facility was based in Port Kembla Harbour it would require the acquisition and alienation of a massive part of the harbour and the land around it. Land which is a valuable and vital asset for our existing manufacturing, steel, land transport and maritime industries whose epicentre is Port Kembla. Delaying a decision would prolong and amplify uncertainty over exclusion zones, access to land and waterways for our emerging industries and threaten billions of dollars of investment in renewables making it a job killer. The presence of nuclear attack class submarines in our Ports would make us a nuclear target and pose an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of hundreds of thousands of people given potential exposure to hundreds of kilograms of highly enriched uranium. If its not safe for the people of New York City to have Nuclear submarines in their midst, it's not safe for the people of any city.
    627 of 800 Signatures
    Created by South Coast Labour Council
  • Keep Sydney Water in public hands!
    The waterways in and around Sydney, as well as the water we drink, are kept safe, clean and affordable by Sydney Water, which operates for the public. Making our harbour, coastline and drinking water a source of profit puts this at risk. If Dominic Perrottet and the Liberals privatise Sydney Water: • Water rates will go up by $264 a year; • Thousands of jobs will be lost; • Our pristine beaches and waterways are at risk. Don’t risk our water. Add your name to send a clear message to the NSW Premier – hands off Sydney Water!
    4,287 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Climate-proof our homes: Energy efficiency standards for rentals NOW
    We spend winters shivering inside beanies, jumpers, blankets, uggs and wooly socks. In Summer we sleep with ice packs. And we pay through the nose for the privilege. More and more renters in Australia are experiencing rental stress - paying more than 40 or 50% of our incomes for homes that barely keep out the weather. Rent is skyrocketing, as are our power bills. Yet renters can’t reduce our bills by installing solar panels, insulation, more efficient hot water systems or by removing gas appliances from our homes. We’re forced to run power hungry space heaters to stay warm only to get hit with enormous power bills. More and more renters are forced to make a choice between staying warm and buying groceries. It’s more important than ever to improve the standards of rentals as power prices soar and home ownership is put further out of reach for young people. Generation United is powered by the United Workers Union. We’re a strong voice for young workers and we’re coming together to tackle the big issues that affect us - at work, at home, in our community and in our environment. Renters are speaking out, our governments must listen and act. These are just some of the stories tenants have shared with us: “The upstairs of our town house would reach over 43 degrees in summer so I slept with ice packs strapped to my body.” - Vic renter “Our house is not at all insulated. The cold days are super cold and the hot days make the house stuffy for weeks” - Aus renter “I have been getting sick once or twice a month from how cold my room gets.” - Krishan, Vic renter “Extremely cold temp in the house in winter and almost unliveable in the summer due to heat.” - WA renter “Window has been stuck open ever since 2020, 8+ requests to close it with no outcome. My 3rd winter wfh now and I have to wear puffer 24/7!” - Aus renter “I have leaks in my ceiling I’ve been complaining about since 2018, which are only getting worse and still nothing done. Can’t use my lounge room at all.” - NSW renter
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by gen united
  • Support the Climate Change Bill and real climate action
    This Bill is a major and important step towards real, concrete action after a decade of denial by the Liberal-Nationals under Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison. Enshrining the targets of reducing emissions by 43% by 2030 and down to net zero by 2050 is an important first step. The Australian union movement supports carbon pollution reduction and the transition to a clean energy economy. Australian workers can’t afford more denial or delay. Working people are at the front lines of the climate crisis – from firefighters, first responders, health-care workers and workers whose jobs are wrecked by climate-worsened droughts, fires and floods. All workers in all workplaces are affected by the climate crisis. Australian unions know that more work is needed at every level to support workers and communities affected by the changes we are facing in climate, industries and jobs. This Bill is a vital step to ensuring that this work happens.
    2,784 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Get Adelaide Uni to Divest from Fossil Fuels
    The recent IPCC report clearly states the urgency of acting on climate change, both at global governance and local institutional levels. Notably, the report advises that unless immediate, rapid and broad-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are achieved within the next decade, the chance of limiting warming to 1.5 or even 2 degrees Celsius will likely be beyond reach. Australia, and neighbouring Pacific regions, are already experiencing the intensifying impacts of climate change. In the last couple of years alone, our country has been subject to record-breaking heat, droughts, and bush fires which impacted hundreds of thousands of people and cost our country billions of dollars. It is clear, then, that continuing to invest money in fossil fuels is both financially and morally irresponsible. We therefore call on the University of Adelaide to immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuels, and to divest from direct ownership and from any commingled funds that include fossil-fuel public equities and corporate bonds. Recent enquiries made under the Freedom of Information Act have revealed that the university holds over $7 million in such shares. Companies listed include BHP-Billiton, Rio Tinto, Chevron, Woodside, Exxon-Mobil, among many others—all of which have set back climate action in Australia (and globally) by waging concerted deny & delay campaigns via lobbying, biased economic modelling and political donations. The University of Adelaide has a moral responsibility to make sustainable investments for the future and to take strong and immediate action to address climate change. Our investments in science and renewable technologies cannot be taken seriously as long as we continue to invest money in fossil fuel industries that, according to scientific consensus, contribute disproportionately to the climate and ecological crises we’re currently facing. In Australia and across the world, the divestment movement is gaining ever-increasing support from educational institutions and a host of other organisations who recognise the severity of the climate crisis we’re in and the urgency to act, as per the best scientific advice available. In making a public commitment to divest from fossil fuels, universities are taking a position consistent with the values of academic rigour and scientific integrity held in such high regard by our institutions. A significant number of universities across Australia have already committed to full or partial fossil fuel divestment: University of New South Wales, La Trobe University, Queensland University of Technology, Monash University, Swinburne University, Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne and University of Tasmania. These include over half Go8 universities, of which UoA is a member. The University of Adelaide is clearly lagging behind in this nationwide trend toward fossil fuel divestment; there is therefore no excuse for further delay. Finally, our student population overwhelmingly consists of young people who will bear the enduring consequences of climate change. Fossil Free UofA believes that our university has a social responsibility to terminate its investments with companies involved in the extraction, processing and export of fossil fuels, and from any comingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities or corporate bonds. We believe that the institution that has provided us with a future-facing education should not be supporting unethical industries that negatively affect our futures and the future of the planet.
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Fossil Free UofA