• Monash University: Support Your Students!
    Monash University has not adequately supported students through the Covid-19 crisis. Communication of course changes come late if at all, learning formats are changed suddenly with little preparation, and overwhelmingly, there is a sense among students that the University is not prioritising them. We deserve better. Mismanagement at this time has, and will continue to have, disastrous consequences for students at all stages of their courses.
    2,279 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Grace Britton
  • Coronavirus: Sick & Closure Pay for Casual Teachers & ES Staff
    If Casual Relief Teachers or Casual Education Support staff are sick or required to self-isolate they will not get sick pay. This puts real pressure on our colleagues to come to work sick. If schools are required to close they will not be paid. Public health is not an individual responsibility, it is a social responsibility.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chris Breen
  • Coronavirus: Donā€™t make uni staff pay!
    No university worker should be forced to choose between quarantine and feeding their family. The Coronavirus Covid-19 crisis is engulfing Australia - and our universities are in the eye of the storm. Right now, job security is health security and we need university Vice-Chancellors to do the right thing by staff, students and the public. That means securing our rights at work so we can protect our health at home. No-one can predict how long this crisis will continue - perhaps weeks or months. That's why we need to lock in firm commitments from university employers now to keep things fair, and keep us safe.
    12,574 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Steve Adams and Amy Thomas, NTEU members
  • Clean Schools: Keep your kids safe
    School cleaners donā€™t have enough time to do their job because of cuts to cleaning hours by the NSW Government. Cleaners want to ensure your kids are safe but simply donā€™t have enough time to do the job they want to do.
    1,202 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Stand Together Against Fake News In The Manipulative Media
    As the media is click baiting audiences through fear mongering with false statistics and reports but also out casting minorities in our society and not taking due responsibility in a so called ā€˜time of crisisā€™.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Max Nekker
  • Online Teaching in UTAS under COVID-19 Threat
    To whom may concern, We are a group of students who wish to contribute efforts to stop COVID-19 from the total outbreak in Tasmania. On 7th March 2020, Public Health Services has been notified of a confirmed case of coronavirus in Hobart. This brings the total number of confirmed cases in TAS to 2. This is a known fact that the coronavirus is a highly contagious epidemic disease that causes 64 confirmed cases and 2 death. However, people have not paid sufficient attention to prevent the transmission of the virus. To protect people's health in UTAS, we should avoid gatherings to guarantee that the virus will not spread from person to person. If you also want permission to study online, please sign in this petition. Thank you!
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shuo Shan
  • Calling for a vote of no confidence in the Morrison government.
    I created the petition based on the myriad of scandals the Morrison government is embroiled in. The prime minister isnā€™t honestly dealing with allegations of corruption and rorting. He isnā€™t taking climate action seriously and the political/financial interference of the fossil fuel industry is likely behind that. Heā€™s hell bent on rolling out of the Indue card despite evidence of how it disadvantages the most vulnerable people. And thereā€™s an overall lack of accountability, transparency and integrity. Where is a Federal ICAC? The list goes on. I could also include the unwillingness to implement recommendations from Royal Commissions, the poor response to the bushfire crisis, and the rise of right wing extremism, and claiming a surplus from the NDIS underspend while splashing money around dodgy contracts with Indue, Paladin and others with links to the LNP. I truly believe that if enough ordinary people stand up we can let politicians know that democracy belongs to us and not to them. They should serve the public good and not just be in it for themselves, and the power that comes with their elected positions. When they make bad decisions, they need to take responsibility and be answerable to us. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s enough of us who want to give the prime minister the message: Scotty from marketing - weā€™re not buying what youā€™re selling.
    1,352 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Sinclair
  • Early childhood educators deserve respect and a fair wage
    Iā€™ve seen too many colleagues leave because of the low pay and limited career progression. Itā€™s not fair on the children who deserve high quality kindergarten education with experienced educators who can afford to build long term careers. Premier Andrews has committed to providing kindergarten to every Victorian three year old by 2022. To do this our kindergartens will need thousands of extra educators and keep the ones weā€™ve got. But the promise to every three-year-old will not be kept if we canā€™t attract new colleagues because of low pay. If you value the work of educators, we need you to please give us your support.
    3,395 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Sara, early childhood educator
  • Tell UTAS to Properly Fund the TUU
    The Tasmanian University Union is a core part of student life at UTAS. The TUU runs student initiatives, events, provides leadership opportunities, advocates for students on campus and is an employer to many staff who work tirelessly for students. In 2019, UTAS slashed funding of the TUU to $430,000, down from $900,000 in 2018. This is a whopping 52% funding cut. This massive cut to TUU funding comes just 12 months out from the funding agreement end between UTAS and the TUU. It is clear that UTAS is using this cut as a steppingstone to cease funding the TUU and thus close down the student union. The TUU is negotiating a particularly difficult time as it undergoes a transformative program, experience revenue loss from the closure of the Co-Op Bookstore, and suffers the cuts imposed on it by the university. TUU staff redundancies were being considered as part of the transformation program, but with these cuts, the redundancies go from being potential to inevitable. To protect students, to protect workers, and to ensure that the TUU can keep serving students and providing student community culture on campus we, as students of the University of Tasmania, are calling upon the Vice-Chancellor Rufus Black and UTAS to reinstate full funding of the TUU to 2018 levels and to commit to funding the student union past 2021.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ben Dudman Picture
  • Donā€™t let Coronavirus Ban affect your rights to apply for 485/189/190 due to online study.
    On 1st February, The Hon. Scott Morrisonā€™s newly announced Travel Ban had prevented over 90,000 Chinese International students currently in China from returning to Australia to commence or resume their studies. Education providers have offered to defer studies but many educational institutions are encouraging students to study online in China. We are concerned that universities and educational institutions are seeking to protect their finances at the expense of students who are not being made aware of the consequences of online study. Online study may significantly affect international students' rights to future graduate visas or permanent visa as they may not be eligible to meet a criterion of ā€œ2 years full time study in Australiaā€. We are partners at Global Education and Immigration Centre. Immigration lawyer Mr. Rhys Strang and Registered Migration Agent Mrs. Grace Shen have represented international students for their immigration matters for more than 20 years. We are seeking to raise awareness of the issues with a view to convincing the Australian government to change the regulation so that there is no impact on affected overseas students by way of legislative instrument to protect any student who opts to study online as a result of circumstances beyond their control preventing them from returning to Australia. We need your support so that the exceptions are made to the Migration Regulations so as not to discriminate against students who are willing to study in Australia but are prevented from doing so. It is important that this issue be brought to the attention of lawmakers as soon as possible so that studentā€™s rights are not subordinated to the profits of education providers.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Shen
  • Pay And We Go: Stop UWA's transition to PAYG
    The detrimental effects of PAYG have been felt at other campuses, such as Curtin. 83% of Curtin students surveyed in 2019 believed that PAYG pricing was not student friendly. A movement to this system will disproportionately affect students from low-SES backgrounds, non-metro areas, and those with high attendance requirements. We call on UWA to reconsider their decision and demand accessible and equitable parking options for all.
    5,066 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by UWA Student Guild Picture
  • Give every child the chance to thrive
    Extracurricular activities arenā€™t just a fun way to teach kids skills and help them burn off energy ā€“ they help kids feel included, build resilience and develop talent. They get kids active while increasing social and developmental skills. They are another place to fit in and thrive, if school or home are tough. Yet for children in low income families, participation in sports or music is out of reach.
    474 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Council of Single Mothers and their Children