To: Victorian State Government

WorkCover that works for every Victorian

We know Victorian workers need a well-functioning and financially sustainable WorkCover scheme and we believe the path to getting there is through greater prevention, stopping workers from being injured in the first place. 

We believe every worker who gets injured on the job should have all the support they need to get back to work as fast as possible. 

Any changes that restrict access to the scheme by denying those who are experiencing stress and overwork is a backwards step. Penalising workers to fix a compensation scheme is the wrong way to go. As mental health is becoming de-stigmatised in the community, we need workers to come forward to get the help they need. Failing to do so runs the risk of injuries only deteriorating, causing more harm to workers and making rehabilitation harder.  

The introduction of a 20% Whole Person Impairment Test will mean that some injured workers are removed from the scheme before they are ready to return to work. We are concerned for the welfare of these workers and remain opposed to this change. 

We know the faster a worker receives treatment, the better the result is for the worker and the workplace. Return to Work Victoria could make a meaningful difference if it is flexible enough to try new initiatives and can stand up a mental health workforce that can see injured workers quickly.

Why is this important?

As unionists, we know that WorkCover is in need of reform. We also believe this is a moment where we can make greater changes to improve the safety of Victorian workers, address the root causes of these injuries and have a system that is responsive to their medical needs. We do not believe these changes will achieve that. Sign the petition to show your support for injured workers.
Melbourne VIC, Australia

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