5,000 signatures reached
To: Jason Clare MP
Veterinary Students need placement poverty payments

Veterinary students undertake a mandatory 52 weeks of unpaid placement to complete their veterinary qualifications. In real terms, this often means students will need to take time off from paid work, at the same time as they are forced to pay double rent and living expenses to complete placements in rural and regional areas while still maintaining their home base.
Like Nurses, Doctors and Teachers, Veterinarians are essential workers and integral to Australian communities. We call on the Australian Federal Government to recognise this and extend the Placement poverty payment scheme to include Veterinary degree students.
Like Nurses, Doctors and Teachers, Veterinarians are essential workers and integral to Australian communities. We call on the Australian Federal Government to recognise this and extend the Placement poverty payment scheme to include Veterinary degree students.
Why is this important?
Veterinary students already have some of the highest HECS debts in this country. In addition to this they must undertake at least 52 weeks (that is a whole year) of unpaid work in order to complete their degree. Students often forego meals, sleep in tents or on couches or take out even more loans in order to complete their degree. These students are often also at risk of being subjected to racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexual harassment, and even violence at unpaid placements, without being able to leave or complain, for fear of not being able to complete their course requirements. Addressing placement poverty is vital if we are to have a diverse, inclusive, and resilient veterinary sector supporting Australian communities.