Petition is successful with 1,645 signatures
To: Andrew Constance, Rob Sharp and John McAuliffe
Tell Sydney Trains To Stop Targeting Our Delegates
This campaign has ended.

The RTBU representatives are currently in negotiations with Sydney Trains for a new Enterprise Agreement. The bargaining team comprises elected RTBU representatives who are from the myriad of areas that make up the workplace.
These negotiations have always had a history of becoming heated; however, this has now taken a dark direction, and our delegates are now being targeted by management, and in one case, a delegate has been suspended from duty.
This action is a blatant attempt to bully workplace representatives and force an inferior EA onto workers, in addition to being a breach of the Sydney Trains EA, the Fair Work Act, and the United Nations Human Rights Charter.
We ask for your intervention to stop the bullying of our representatives by ceasing the disciplinary action and come to the table to bargain in good faith with our representatives free from the threat of disciplinary action.
These negotiations have always had a history of becoming heated; however, this has now taken a dark direction, and our delegates are now being targeted by management, and in one case, a delegate has been suspended from duty.
This action is a blatant attempt to bully workplace representatives and force an inferior EA onto workers, in addition to being a breach of the Sydney Trains EA, the Fair Work Act, and the United Nations Human Rights Charter.
We ask for your intervention to stop the bullying of our representatives by ceasing the disciplinary action and come to the table to bargain in good faith with our representatives free from the threat of disciplinary action.
Why is this important?
Our elected representatives need to have the ability to represent us, the members, free of harassment and the threat of disciplinary hanging over their heads like the hangman's noose.
The actions displayed from Sydney Trains set a terrible precedent and will impede the movement's ability to bargain into the future due to workplace delegates being in fear of the employment.
The actions displayed from Sydney Trains set a terrible precedent and will impede the movement's ability to bargain into the future due to workplace delegates being in fear of the employment.
How it will be delivered
Your message will be delivered to Sydney Trains via email and in person.