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To: Community members, stakeholders, Councillors, CEO and Executive Leadership at Campaspe Shire Council

Stop Campaspe Council closing its Animal Shelter!

We, the undersigned, urgently call on Campaspe Shire Council to halt its proposed transition of the Campaspe Animal Shelter to a pound only service. This ill-conceived plan threatens the lives of countless animals and the well-being of dedicated shelter workers.

Our Concerns:

Impact on Shelter Workers: The mental and emotional strain on shelter staff will be immense. They will face the distressing reality of increased euthanasia, leading to severe burnout and trauma. Campaspe Shire has a duty to provide a safe and supportive workplace, and this plan neglects that responsibility.

Betrayal of Community Trust:  The Local Government Act 2020 says councils must involve the community in big decisions. By closing adoption services and changing the shelter’s role, Campaspe Shire is ignoring this responsibility. This move damages public trust and shows a lack of transparency. The community has invested in the Campaspe Animal Shelter, expecting humane care for animals. Transitioning to a pound service is a step backward, undoing years of progress in animal welfare and breaking the trust we have in our Council and its mission.

Increased Euthanasia Rates: The planned closure of adoption services will lead to a devastating rise in euthanasia rates. Other local animal rescue organisations are already at capacity and cannot absorb additional animals. This means that many animals will face unnecessary and preventable deaths.

We demand that Campaspe Shire Council reconsider this harmful proposal. Our animals deserve compassionate care, and our workers deserve a supportive environment.

Sign this petition to show your support for keeping the Campaspe Animal Shelter a place of compassion, not a place of death.

Why is this important?

We all know that animal rescues, foster groups and shelters across Australia are struggling to keep up with demand. 

The 20 foster care networks supporting the Campaspe Animal Shelter are already stretched to their limits. Bendigo and Shepparton services, and their foster networks, are also at capacity. Removing adoption services will push these networks to breaking point, risking the collapse of animal care in our community.

This plan is a recipe for disaster for shelter staff, who will be forced to face the emotional trauma of putting down healthy animals. Campaspe Shire is ignoring its duty to provide a safe and supportive workplace, and this will lead to staff burnout and turnover. The ASU is disappointed that Council has failed to genuinely consider the psychosocial impact of this change. 

The people of Campaspe value compassionate care for animals. This proposal is a betrayal of that trust, and it will spark outrage across the community. The Shire is abandoning its responsibility to treat animals humanely, and the public won’t stand for it. 

Council has not complied with its obligations under the Local Government Act 2020 to engagement with the community around the proposed changes. The Act says that councils must engage authentically with the community when making decisions like this.   

Campaspe Shire has invested heavily in upgrading the shelter’s facilities, only to now threaten to undo all that progress. This proposal is a step backward, and it’s time for the community to rise up and demand better. The ASU calls on the local community to speak out against this disastrous plan. 

If you work at Council, join the ASU today 

How it will be delivered

The Australian Services Union will deliver the petition to Campaspe Shire Council.

Campaspe, VIC, Australia

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