Petition is successful with 1,312 signatures
To: Hon Jaala Pulford & Mr Ari Mervis , Minister for Agriculture Regional Development & CEO, Murray Goulburn
Save regional Dairy jobs!
We won! Thanks to all your support, NUW Delegates and Leadership will meet with MG CEO and Minister Pulford on Friday 9 June

I am calling on the Victorian Government to urgently convene a meeting between Government, Murray Goulburn, the National Union of Workers and other stakeholders to review and revise Murray Goulburn’s proposal to shut regional Dairy production sites.
I am calling on Murray Goulburn to commit to attending and participating in this meeting.
I am calling on Murray Goulburn to commit to attending and participating in this meeting.
Why is this important?
Murray Goulburn’s proposal to close factories in Kiewa and Rochester, and also Edith Creek in Tasmania, and lay off more than 300 workers will have devastating effects on workers, families and regional communities.
The proposal has been justified on the basis of wiping farmers’ debt. However, the farmers’ debts resulted from bad, short term decision making by the previous CEO and board of Murray Goulburn.
Regional workers and families should not have to bear the brunt of Murray Goulburn’s mistakes. It is disingenuous to claim Murray Goulburn is helping farmers while devastating regional communities.
Once again Murray Goulburn appears to be making short sighted decisions. While the decision to close sites may offer short term relief to Murray Goulburn, it will have long term damaging implications for regional communities, the dairy industry and farmers.
I call on the Victorian Government to urgently convene a meeting with Murray Goulburn, the NUW and other stakeholders where the full and long term effects of this proposal can be discussed and alternative proposals considered.
I call on Murray Goulburn to support the regional communities that have supported you for years, and commit to attending and participating in the meeting.
The proposal has been justified on the basis of wiping farmers’ debt. However, the farmers’ debts resulted from bad, short term decision making by the previous CEO and board of Murray Goulburn.
Regional workers and families should not have to bear the brunt of Murray Goulburn’s mistakes. It is disingenuous to claim Murray Goulburn is helping farmers while devastating regional communities.
Once again Murray Goulburn appears to be making short sighted decisions. While the decision to close sites may offer short term relief to Murray Goulburn, it will have long term damaging implications for regional communities, the dairy industry and farmers.
I call on the Victorian Government to urgently convene a meeting with Murray Goulburn, the NUW and other stakeholders where the full and long term effects of this proposal can be discussed and alternative proposals considered.
I call on Murray Goulburn to support the regional communities that have supported you for years, and commit to attending and participating in the meeting.
How it will be delivered
Hardcopy letters are being sent to the Minister and Murray Goulburn CEO daily, and these online letters will be delivered each day.