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To: Federal MPs and Senators

Support the Climate Change Bill and real climate action

This campaign has ended.

Support the Climate Change Bill 2022 – which is a major step towards concrete climate action after a decade of denial.

The Climate Change Bill will bring back honesty and integrity in how we measure our progress – things sorely lacking under the former Government.

It creates a choice between concrete action with clear targets from the Government, and no action and more denial from the Dutton Coalition.

Why is this important?

This Bill is a major and important step towards real, concrete action after a decade of denial by the Liberal-Nationals under Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison.

Enshrining the targets of reducing emissions by 43% by 2030 and down to net zero by 2050 is an important first step.

The Australian union movement supports carbon pollution reduction and the transition to a clean energy economy.

Australian workers can’t afford more denial or delay. Working people are at the front lines of the climate crisis – from firefighters, first responders, health-care workers and workers whose jobs are wrecked by climate-worsened droughts, fires and floods. All workers in all workplaces are affected by the climate crisis.

Australian unions know that more work is needed at every level to support workers and communities affected by the changes we are facing in climate, industries and jobs.

This Bill is a vital step to ensuring that this work happens.



2 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

2 years ago

500 signatures reached

2 years ago

100 signatures reached

2 years ago

50 signatures reached

2 years ago

25 signatures reached

2 years ago

10 signatures reached