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To: National Patient Transport (NPT)

Sacked for helping a mate

Have a heart. Give Andrew his job back. 

Why is this important?

At 1:30 am on 27 June 2024, an ambulance rolled in Myrtleford trapping paramedic Jim Avard. Patient Transport Ambo, Andrew Bishop responded to the scene and cut Jim free, helped him exit the ambulance safely and into the care of other paramedics. 

As an active union delegate and safety rep, Andrew later took a picture of the rolled ambulance and sent it to the union and his employer National Patient Transport. That picture went viral and highlighted the risk of fatigue faced by paramedics and ambulance workers across Victoria. 

Within a few hours of the story going public, National Patient Transport stood Andrew down from duty.

He has since had his employment terminated from National Patient Transport. 

Andrew has worked as a fire fighter, a first aider and in the safety industry for over 40 years. He did his best to use his skills and experience to rescue a workmate and get him to care safely. He also helped expose the serious risks faced by ambulance workers across Victoria.

Sacking an ambo for trying to do the right thing is unfair, harsh, and unreasonable and this decision should be reversed.  

Have a heart NPT. Give Andrew his job back.
Victoria, Australia

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



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