To: Peter Dutton MP, Federal Opposition Leader

No nuclear in our communities

We stand with the communities you want to build nuclear reactors in. 

You never asked what they want, and you don’t seem to care.

We want cheap, clean energy now. Not half baked nuclear plans for 2040. 

We urge you to come to our communities and answer our questions face-to-face.

Why is this important?

We are community members in the seven target regions identified by Peter Dutton’s Liberal National Coalition as locations for nuclear reactors. We stand united in our stance against being bullied into accepting nuclear reactors with community consent.

We demand nothing but genuine consultation with First Nations communities and Traditional Owners and consultation with communities, councils and site owners. 

We need to verify the facts about nuclear reactors and hear directly from recognised experts about safety, economics and the implications for health and well-being in our communities.

Our communities are already involved in the transition of energy.    Projects are well underway and locals already have jobs constructing our sustainable energy future, our renewable energy future. We seek clarity on the implications of this announcement for the existing employment and planned projects across our regions. 

We urge the broader Australian community to support us in demanding  Transparency, fairness and accountability from the federal Coalition.