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To: The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer of Australia

Dump Philip Lowe

The Federal Government has announced that Philip Lowe will be replaced at the end of his term!

Philip Lowe's answer to the crushing pressure on household budgets at the moment? 'Spend even less, work even more.'

Easy to say when you're paid over $1 million a year, but to the rest of us it's a kick in the teeth when we're already suffering.

Philip Lowe is out of touch, and he's hurting us. He needs to go.

Why is this important?

Australian workers and their families are struggling, but Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe doesn't seem to care at all.

Lowe has hit us with 12 interest rate rises in just over a year. Whether you rent or whether you have a mortgage, Australians are paying more for housing while our wages keep falling behind and the cost of everything else spirals out of control.

Lowe says workers need to cop the impact of inflation, and he explicitly argues against wage rises for workers at every opportunity. He's a blunt instrument and we need fresh thinking. Lowe has to Gowe.




2023-07-21 13:23:27 +1000

Petition is successful with 911 signatures

2023-06-10 19:03:50 +1000

50 signatures reached

2023-06-09 20:16:38 +1000

25 signatures reached

2023-06-09 16:03:16 +1000

10 signatures reached