500 signatures reached
To: The New South Wales State Parliment
TJ Hickey: 17 years no justice!
This campaign has ended.

We demand a full independent inquiry into the death of TJ Hickey that is free from the influence of the New South Wales Police and politicians.
Why is this important?
At only 17 years of age TJ Hickey, a young Aboriginal man died after being impaled on a fence while being pursued by police at Waterloo. Since then the deep pain and trauma felt by the family has been constant, but they never stopped fighting for justice for their son. TJ Hickey would now be 34 if he hadn't died in 2004. There was never a serious investigation into TJ's death by the justice system. The police officers refused to testify to the coroner, and the coroner refused to make them testify.
12,000 NSW residents signed a previous petition, on paper, for Justice. Organised by the Family with the support of Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA Sydney) was presented last year to the Legislative Council, (Upper House). Under instruction of the AG , the chamber ignored their own procedures and ignored it. Now we call on all the People of this country to sign this petition to demand the NSW Parliament organise a full independent inquiry into the death of TJ Hickey and to support the struggle for justice of the family of TJ Hickey 17 years after his death.
12,000 NSW residents signed a previous petition, on paper, for Justice. Organised by the Family with the support of Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA Sydney) was presented last year to the Legislative Council, (Upper House). Under instruction of the AG , the chamber ignored their own procedures and ignored it. Now we call on all the People of this country to sign this petition to demand the NSW Parliament organise a full independent inquiry into the death of TJ Hickey and to support the struggle for justice of the family of TJ Hickey 17 years after his death.