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To: Queensland Rail

Stop contracting out our jobs

Queensland Rail, for too long, has been contracting out your jobs and undermining the job security of our industry. While we understand that contractors will always be part of our industry, we believe the use of insecure workers like contractors should not be utilised for core, day-to-day activities that are regular, systematic and planned to continue for a 12 month period that can viably be performed in-house. 

QR need to employ more permanent workers and stop making our industry insecure by contracting out our work.

Why is this important?

Contractors to Queensland Rail provide a valuable contribution, but we would rather see them in QR shirts and in permanent employment. 

Job insecurity leaves workers and families in the lurch and means they're unable to plan for the future and lead happy and healthy lives. The RTBU will always fight for permanent jobs in our industry.
Queensland, Australia

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2021-12-07 22:37:28 +1100

25 signatures reached

2021-12-07 17:17:17 +1100

10 signatures reached