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To: Senator Leyonhjelm

Early childhood educators reject attacks on our sector!

I'm an early childhood educator - and like the thousands of educators who've signed this petition, I'm furious and concerned about the attacks on the early learning sector by conservative politicians.

Right now a group of politicians are trying to rip quality out of our sector - led by Senator Leyonhjelm...the same guy who said that educators were just babysitters who "wipe kids noses".

The "Senate Committee on Red Tape" have recommended to the government that they explore:

* Removing the need for qualifications for early childhood educators – stripping the value from your qualifications, and opening the doors to potentially unqualified new workers.

*Debating ratios – which means educators could be working with larger groups of children with less time for the stimulating one-on–one interactions we know children benefit from.

Why is this important?

The government does NOT have to act on these recommendations. They can choose to ignore them, and to stand by quality in early childhood education.

They’ll be watching educators’ reactions closely to decide which path they take - so please sign and share this petition to show Australian's children deserve quality early childhood education and early childhood educators deserve to be valued!

- Jade, Educator, Sydney.




2018-10-13 17:30:55 +1100

1,000 signatures reached

2018-10-12 11:21:40 +1100

500 signatures reached

2018-10-11 17:31:16 +1100

100 signatures reached

2018-10-11 17:08:58 +1100

50 signatures reached

2018-10-11 17:00:06 +1100

25 signatures reached

2018-10-11 16:07:41 +1100

10 signatures reached