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To: The Liberal National Party, Katter’s Australia Party, and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation

Stand up for reproductive rights!

Access to safe, legal abortions in Queensland is at risk. Despite abortion being decriminalised in 2018, there is a significant risk that access to reproductive and abortion rights will be repealed in Queensland following the outcome of the October state election.

We’re petitioning the Liberal National Party, Katter’s Australia Party and One Nation to commit to protecting Queensland women’s access to safe, funded and legal reproductive healthcare and abortion services across this state at the Queensland State Election in October.

Why is this important?

Queensland women, especially women living regionally, are at risk of losing their legal right to access abortion services as well as cuts to critical funding to provide the healthcare required across all regional hospital and health services.

We know their voting record:
  • The LNP and conservatives voted against decriminalisation of abortion in 2018.
  • The LNP went to the 2020 state election pledging a review of the laws which gave Queensland women abortion rights.
  • In 2022, they refused to rule out future attempts to unpick them in the midst of the Roe v Wade publicity across the world.
  • And in 2024, they voted against the introduction of the MS2-Step abortion pill.

Now David Crisafulli is hedging his bets saying it wouldn’t be on the first term agenda if he’s elected as Premier but will not rule out supporting a private member’s bill.

Queensland women deserve respect and better healthcare rights than this.
We call on David Crisafulli, the Liberal National Party and all other conservative political parties to commit to protecting our hard-fought rights to access reproductive healthcare and abortions. So that wherever someone finds themselves in Queensland, they can access safe, funded and legal termination of pregnancy services.

Authorised by J. King, Queensland Council of Unions, 16 Peel St South Brisbane.
Queensland, Australia

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2024-10-20 21:51:28 +1100

10,000 signatures reached

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached