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To: PM Anthony Albanese

Save Rex Airlines!

The Federal Government needs to step in to save Rex Airlines. Rex is an important regional carrier, and its administration could lead to hundreds of job losses.

Rex is a vital carrier for regional communities ensuring essential services are delivered where air travel is the only vital option. The Government needs to support our regional communities and it's crucial carrier by intervening now!

Why is this important?

Australia's geography means our communities - regional and urban - depend on reliable, well-functioning airlines. Our citizens' ability to travel between cities and regional towns must not be dependent on market conditions or the whim of airline owners. If the Federal Government owned a stake in Rex - and appointed a "Safe and Secure Skies" Commission as an independent regulator as the Transport Workers Union have long called for - airline workers and the flying public would have a meaningful say in the decisions that impact our travel and our lives. 

Regional communities rely on Rex. In many cases it is the only airline that goes to a range of small country towns.

The Federal Government needs to consider buying an equity stake or outright purchasing the airline to ensure our regional communities aren't left behind without connections to major cities and other regional communities.

Victorian, SA, NSW and Queensland Premiers have already voiced their support for Federal Government intervention to ensure Rex continues to operate. The Government needs to act now to save the airline and their hundreds of workers facing redundancy!


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1,000 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached