1,000 signatures reached
To: Tasmanian Government
Save reproductive choice in Tasmania
We demand that Tasmanian Government to allocate public funding to health services to provide safe and legal surgical abortion procedures in Tasmania.
Why is this important?
It’s 2018 and Tasmanians deserve access to safe and legal reproductive health services without needing to shoulder the burden of traveling interstate to do so.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government was warned that the last healthcare service in Tasmania offering affordable surgical abortion procedures would be closing. Three services offering the procedure closed during his term.
He chose to do nothing. His inaction is an action in itself.
He must put aside his personal anti-choice views to do his job and provide public access to the safe and legal healthcare services that Tasmanians need.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government was warned that the last healthcare service in Tasmania offering affordable surgical abortion procedures would be closing. Three services offering the procedure closed during his term.
He chose to do nothing. His inaction is an action in itself.
He must put aside his personal anti-choice views to do his job and provide public access to the safe and legal healthcare services that Tasmanians need.