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To: WA Health Minister Amber Jade Sanderson and Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston

Save Our Sick Leave! Protect Entitlements for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus

We've won!

We are experienced and dedicated Health Workers, who have supported the community during their most vulnerable times in their lives and have continued to do so throughout the COVID pandemic. We should be properly acknowledged for our hard work and, as many of us are long term health workers, we deserve to maintain our accrued personal leave particularly during an ongoing pandemic. As dedicated, experienced workers, having our personal leave balances reset is a source of significant concern.

The State Government has done the right thing for workers at Peel Health Campus. My signature on this petition aims to encourage the WA Minister for Health, Amber Jade Sanderson and Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston to continue this by honouring all accrued personal leave for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus.

Why is this important?

Peel Health Campus, currently operated by Ramsay Health Care, will transition back into public hands in August 2023. This is excellent news for both employees and the WA community, however, we, as health workers at the facility, have not yet been provided a commitment from the State Government that our many hours of accrued Personal leave will be recognised.

By signing this petition you'll encourage the WA Minister for Health, Amber Jade Sanderson and Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston to continue this by honouring all accrued personal leave for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus.
110 Lakes Rd, Mandurah WA 6210, Australia

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2022-09-30 14:10:19 +1000

Petition is successful with 228 signatures

2022-08-25 15:14:58 +1000

100 signatures reached

2022-08-23 01:35:09 +1000

50 signatures reached

2022-08-22 10:57:47 +1000

25 signatures reached

2022-08-19 18:22:04 +1000

10 signatures reached