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To: The Australian National University

Save our Graduations

On the 25th of June 2024 ANU announced that they would be moving from a graduation ceremony for each semester - in July and December respectively - to a single graduation ceremony in early April. Not only that, students who had already begun planning their December 2024 graduations were told that they would instead have to graduated the next year.

Immediately, the vast majority of ANU students were outraged by this decision. It represents a clear example of our university putting money before the experience of its own student body.

This petition is asking for 
  1. A reconsideration of this decision and the return of 2 graduations a year
  2. Ensuring that the dates of graduation do not mean that international students have to apply for a new visa just to attend their own ceremony
  3. At minimum the restoration of a December graduation for students graduating in Semester 2 2024, many of which had already begun planning for their ceremonies

Why is this important?

The decision to change the graduation schedules has been damaging on many levels.

For students finishing their studies in the first semester, this makes 'graduating' more of a one year reunion. 

It can mean students having to beg for leave at their grad jobs so that they can receive the degree they worked so hard for. 

For International students, this is even more of a slap in the face. Many will be forced to apply for a new visa to attend their ceremonies, since the new graduation date is so far into the year.

ANU has a duty to do right by its students, and thats exactly what this petition is about.
Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

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2024-07-26 23:08:40 +1000

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached