Yesterday, 6 April 2022 myself and Richard, President of the Newport Railway workshops Preservation Group (NRWPG - check the website: ) handed over the megaphone petition and another to Minister for Transport Hon. Ben Carroll along with Hon. Melissa Horne Minister for Ports and Freight and local member. Both Ministers appreciated the feed back and were welcoming of us and the Petition(s). I thank every one who signed the petition and took the time and interest to promote the cause of preserving the Workshops.
I see we have another 24 sign on over the last two weeks so the fight rolls on.
For info and updates go to the NRWPG web site and facebook page.
Thanks one and all.
Ray ( former Workshops worker?? and VP NRWPG)
To: Minister for Transport, Ben Carroll
Save Newport Railway Workshops

Commit the Labor Government to preserving the Railway Workshops as a working heritage Rail Centre
Why is this important?
The Newport Workshops played a significant role in the industrial development of Victoria and of the Union movement. During it's history the Workshops employed upwards of 5,000 workers at any point in time. These workers built and fabricated anything and every thing needed for the running of rail in Victoria.
At present the Workshops house three heritage rail operations that employ workers on a voluntary and directly employed basis, including apprentices.
The Government through it's agency Victrack is seeking to remove these heritage operators from the workshops and the future of those workers and the Heritage listed Workshops is uncertain.
We have to urgently act to save our industrial and union heritage.
The Government must unequivocally commit to preserving our Heritage and the operators that keep it functional.
At present the Workshops house three heritage rail operations that employ workers on a voluntary and directly employed basis, including apprentices.
The Government through it's agency Victrack is seeking to remove these heritage operators from the workshops and the future of those workers and the Heritage listed Workshops is uncertain.
We have to urgently act to save our industrial and union heritage.
The Government must unequivocally commit to preserving our Heritage and the operators that keep it functional.