Acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners are the only AHPRA registered Allied Health Professionals not included into the chronic disease management plan CDM and TCA under the MBS (Medicare Benefits Schedule) and Department Veteran Affairs DVA , despite their vital role in the health and wellbeing of all Australian citizens.
Australian Acupuncturists have been eagerly awaiting inclusion into the CDM and DVA since their AHPRA registration in 2012. 12 years later, they find themselves included in Workcover only.
In contrast other AHPRA registered practitioners, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, and Podiatrists are permitted to use the DVA and CDM for dry needling—a practice representing only 1% of acupuncture knowledge—often acquired through brief weekend courses.
Even Western Medical Doctors in Australia initially undergo a 60-hour course, with 25 hours of mentorship, to qualify for administering Medical Acupuncture.
The precedent has been set with Medical Doctors able to treat Australian citizens with Acupuncture under the Labor Whitlam government Medibank scheme since 1975 and under the Labor Hawke government utilising the Medicare (MBS) scheme since 1984.
Acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine practitioners undergo rigorous 3-4 year degree programs, gaining comprehensive understanding of the body's subtle energy pathways. This vast difference and disparity in training raises serious concerns among AHPRA registered acupuncturists nationwide, regarding the quality of care provided by other modalities with minimal training.
Numerous chronic and pain conditions have been effectively treated with acupuncture, supported by evidence-based practices. Thus, it begs the question: why are those with the highest level of training in acupuncture practice settings being excluded by Australian Government requirements?
We ask politely that it is time that this anomaly towards our Australian Acupuncture profession be rectified in the house, so that we can benefit the health and wellbeing of all Australian citizens nationwide with best practice and care.