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To: Michael Jovicic CEO Patrick

PATRICK - Stop the Termination of Wharfies Agreement


The Maritime Union of Australia is pleased to advise that at the 11th hour, an in-principle agreement with Patrick Terminals’ management has been struck for a new Enterprise Agreement.

The new Enterprise Agreement that has been agreed upon will deliver pay increases above industry standard, job security assurances as well as fairness and dignity for hard working members at Patrick’s four terminals around Australia.

Despite aggressive employer-militancy throughout the bargaining process, the MUA has always made clear its willingness to negotiate in good faith with management for a fair and reasonable deal.

Despite a political campaign of misinformation and interference by the ACCC, the Productivity Commission and even Scott Morrison, the Union has always sought to work cooperatively with Patrick Terminals’ management on continuous business improvement to ensure job security, safety, and productivity at Patrick Terminals’ four ports.

While the MUA has brokered peace with Patrick Terminals’ management, the lies and opportunism of Scott Morrison must not be forgotten. The Prime Minister sought to insert himself into the legitimate bargaining process in a disgraceful attempt to ignite an industrial dispute on the waterfront as a distraction from his negligence, dishonesty and failure.

By negotiating in good faith throughout this process, the MUA has sought to improve certainty and ensure 24/7 operations at Patrick Terminals’ ports during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and for our frontline workforce to continue working cooperatively and efficiently in the national interest.

This has delivered a well-deserved annual pay increase pegged to CPI or 2.5% per annum, whichever is greater, to guarantee waterfront workers’ pay won’t fall behind the out-of-control growth of the cost of living.

Importantly, this outcome means that Patrick Terminals’ planned court action to terminate the company’s existing Employment Agreement with over 1000 MUA members will no longer proceed subject to members endorsing the new agreement.

Stop the proceedings in the Fair Work Commission to terminate Patrick Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.

Why is this important?

Amidst the ongoing COVID pandemic and the greatest supply chain crunch Australia has ever seen, Patrick Terminals is willing to throw a spanner in the works of Australian port operations by cancelling their entire workforce’s Employment Agreement and forcing an unprecedented return to the basic Award.

This would have a catastrophic impact on shifts, productivity and put an end to 24 hour operations at Patrick’s terminals in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth and make it harder for Australian businesses and consumers to access vital household goods.

How it will be delivered




2022-02-08 10:36:45 +1100

Petition is successful with 3,535 signatures

2022-01-14 10:51:23 +1100

1,000 signatures reached

2022-01-13 18:35:17 +1100

500 signatures reached

2022-01-13 14:05:02 +1100

100 signatures reached

2022-01-13 13:38:23 +1100

50 signatures reached

2022-01-13 13:25:26 +1100

25 signatures reached

2022-01-13 13:17:21 +1100

10 signatures reached