To: Vanessa Hudson, Qantas CEO

No more delays, it’s time for fair pay

Qantas Engineers are highly skilled professionals — we make sure your plane is safe to fly. Everything from brakes to wheels to engines — we fix it!
During the pandemic, workers made sacrifices so Qantas would survive – copping wage freezes and going months without secure work.
While that was happening, Qantas rorted over $2 billion from the public purse, millions were given to CEO salaries and executive bonuses, and hard-working customers were price gouged.
Qantas now wants the public to believe that they have changed. Qantas Engineers’ Alliance members can tell you — nothing has changed at Qantas. Workers feel undervalued, underpaid, and disrespected.
We are fighting to have our skills recognised and valued. However, Qantas is refusing to come to the bargaining table, forcing our members to take Protected Industrial Action to try and make ourselves heard.
We are asking you to support our fight so we can get back to work and keep you flying safely. Support Qantas Engineers and tell Qantas to stop the delays and deliver fair pay. 

Why is this important?

Qantas is currently renewing its fleet, but it won’t get off the ground if no workers are here to maintain them. 
If Qantas values its safety reputation, it needs to show it values its highly-skilled maintenance engineers.