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To: Professor Brian Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor; Professor Veronica Taylor, CAP Dean; Professor Simon Haberle, Acting Director CHL

No Job Losses at ANU - Culture, History & Language

We, the undersigned, call for an end to job losses at the School of Culture History & Language (CHL), ANU.
We call on the School and College management to provide the rationale for staff being designated as “surplus”.
We call on ANU management to adhere to the Enterprise Agreement; to show cause as to why these positions should go; and to seriously engage with staff regarding re-deployment.
We call on ANU management to show their assurance for the future of CHL and Asia-Pacific Studies at ANU by clarifying their position on these changes.

Why is this important?

The particular cuts at CHL have not been justified.
Why are these positions being lost? Positions including a key academic in the Japanese program, one in the Sanskrit program, ARC Fellows, Professors and an editor of a key journal.
As ANU attempts to side-step protections in the Enterprise Agreement (EA) which provide for re-deployment, staff are left wondering what their future holds.
This has serious implications for staff in other areas who face reviews and restructures in the future.


2016-06-20 09:21:29 +1000

The NTEU has lodged an official dispute over the CHL Change Implementation Plan.
Details here:

2016-06-10 18:56:34 +1000

100 signatures reached

2016-06-10 14:23:08 +1000

50 signatures reached

2016-06-10 13:31:54 +1000

25 signatures reached

2016-06-10 13:16:57 +1000

10 signatures reached