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To: Lino Saputo, former CEO and current Executive Chairman, Saputo

Your workers demand a fair slice of the cheese, it’s time you paid them parity!

Saputo is one of largest dairy processors in the world, dominating Australian supermarket shelves, but their maintenance workers in Burnie, Tasmania are being paid 23.5 percent less than their colleagues in mainland Victoria. 
In fact, Saputo’s revenues amount to $4.5 billion, with last reported earnings to be $379 million.

Lino Saputo Jr, chairman and owner of Saputo, is Quebec’s richest man – he can afford to pay his workers fairly, but chooses not to.
Send Mr. Saputo a message to stop milking his workers for profit and give his workers a fair slice of the cheese.

Why is this important?

These workers have tried since August 2023 to engage with Saputo’s Australian and Canadian division to resolve this issue, but their efforts have been rebuffed.
Workers have been left with no option but to go on strike which has been ongoing for 3 months. The AMWU and CEPU are seeking an enterprise agreement which, over 2 years, would provide pay parity with Saputo’s Victorian workers, who do the same job, but for higher pay.

Saputo’s maintenance workers help in the production of a huge variety of dairy staples in your homes (across Australia and abroad), and they need your support.
Please sign our petition and tell Saputo’s Canadian and Australian management this is unacceptable.
It’s time to show Saputo bosses how strong the union movement is when we stand united on behalf of workers. 
Please participate in the boycott of Saputo made products until they pay their workers mainland rates of pay!
You can put the pressure on by boycotting dairy brands including Cheer, Mersey Valley, King Island Dairy, Cracker Barrel, Tasmanian Heritage, Devondale, Great Ocean Road, Liddells, South Cape, Sungold and Mil Lel.
We say same job, same pay! Take a stand with us today.




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