50 signatures reached
To: All against facism, nazi's and hate
Hold Officeworks accountable for allowing the printing of nazi propaganda and hate at their store
Pls sign and share. Hold Officeworks accountable
Why is this important?
While the majority of the Christchurch terror attack victims are still yet to be burried, Officeworks has ALLOWED the printing of swastikas for the second time since the massacre.
On three occasions, local Werribbee neo nazi Len Reynolds ('Lensta Reynolds' on Facebook) has printed these hate symbols on Officeworks equipment.
If this isn't abhorrent enough, Len threatened to bash a now ex-worker of Officeworks. Officeworks did nothing when Len came back instore, except tell this ex-worker to stay in the tearoom whilst Len Reynolds printed his nazi propaganda.
Officeworks response to instant outrage has been to relegate themselves to the 'tearoom' in hiding. Deleting comments on their page, refusing to acknowledge and address their absolute complicity in the printing of nazi hate symbols and the perpetuation of facists ideology.
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This petition will be taken to the local authorities and to Officeworks head office.
Hate, facism and nazism must be stopped in it's tracks. To do nothing is to be complicit.
We see you!
On three occasions, local Werribbee neo nazi Len Reynolds ('Lensta Reynolds' on Facebook) has printed these hate symbols on Officeworks equipment.
If this isn't abhorrent enough, Len threatened to bash a now ex-worker of Officeworks. Officeworks did nothing when Len came back instore, except tell this ex-worker to stay in the tearoom whilst Len Reynolds printed his nazi propaganda.
Officeworks response to instant outrage has been to relegate themselves to the 'tearoom' in hiding. Deleting comments on their page, refusing to acknowledge and address their absolute complicity in the printing of nazi hate symbols and the perpetuation of facists ideology.
Please sign and leave comments.
This petition will be taken to the local authorities and to Officeworks head office.
Hate, facism and nazism must be stopped in it's tracks. To do nothing is to be complicit.
We see you!