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To: You

Freight on Rail

Government needs to help even the playing field. They need to provide some  financial incentives to logistics companies to put freight on rail where it is  appropriate to do so. The West Australian Labor Government did this and freight rates on rail have increased back to sensible levels.
Government also needs to tighten the rules around the transportation of dangerous goods and prioritise making our roads safe. We need laws that force transport companies to put dangerous good on rail with stiff penalties when they endanger our communities.

Why is this important?

The ammonium nitrate explosion in Bororen, Central Queensland in September 2024 wasn’t the first but with your help it can be the last.

Let's tell government it's time to make our communities safer.

Join the campaign here to show your support.
Queensland, Australia

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2024-10-01 08:22:06 +1000

100 signatures reached

2024-09-30 17:23:59 +1000

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached