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To: Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia; Clare O'Neil, Minister for Home Affairs; Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs;

End the misery: evacuate and resettle Hassan Ghahramani now

We call on the Australian government to bring Hassan to Australia for urgent medical treatment for:

• cervical spinal stenosis
• cervical spondylitis with intervertebral disc hernia
• acute hand pain
• ongoing heart pain.

We demand that Australia expedites his urgent resettlement, and offers the right to resettle in Australia to all refugees and asylum seekers detained offshore.

Why is this important?

Hassan Ghahramani is a 48-year-old Iranian refugee who has been held in detention by Australia since July 2013 on Christmas Island, Manus island and now Nauru.

He was accepted for settlement by Canada two years ago but is still waiting, caught up in a bureaucratic deadlock compounded by the outbreak of COVID on Nauru.

He has not seen his children for nine years. Hassan suffers from medical conditions that cause severe pain and require urgent medical care.

How it will be delivered

To Clare O'Neil at her office.


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2022-07-29 20:50:29 +1000

100 signatures reached

2022-07-28 16:37:53 +1000

50 signatures reached

2022-07-28 07:44:13 +1000

25 signatures reached

2022-07-27 17:25:26 +1000

10 signatures reached