100 signatures reached
To: Tasmanian Government
End sham consultation to forcibly amalgamate Tasmanian councils

The Minister must intervene and ensure consultation occurs in every Tasmanian Council area, with workers and with communities.
Why is this important?
The Government's plan to forcibly amalgamate councils and centralise services is causing chaos in Tasmanian Councils.
I have a big stake in the Future of Local Government Review. I have not been adequately consulted on changes that could impact on the way I live and work and the services I rely on.
Just nine face-to-face sessions gathering feedback on the impact of amalgamation scenarios are being offered and only to Mayors, Councillors and Employees. There are no confirmed details from the Government’s Board about consultation with communities, other than an indication that there may be a Public Hearing in each of the 9 catchments before the final report is due to the Minister in October.
Mega Councils are being proposed in each catchment that would see Tasmanian Councils reduced to just 9. To add to the complexity, dozens of other amalgamation and shared servicing proposals have been tabled. Towns and council areas are being cut and chopped, even split in half.
The support for workers to attend the scheduled sessions has been varied. All workers should be able to attend relevant catchment meeting(s) in paid time given the risks this poses to job security, employment conditions, starting locations and more.
The Minister must intervene and ensure consultation occurs in every Tasmanian Council area, with workers and with communities.
I have a big stake in the Future of Local Government Review. I have not been adequately consulted on changes that could impact on the way I live and work and the services I rely on.
Just nine face-to-face sessions gathering feedback on the impact of amalgamation scenarios are being offered and only to Mayors, Councillors and Employees. There are no confirmed details from the Government’s Board about consultation with communities, other than an indication that there may be a Public Hearing in each of the 9 catchments before the final report is due to the Minister in October.
Mega Councils are being proposed in each catchment that would see Tasmanian Councils reduced to just 9. To add to the complexity, dozens of other amalgamation and shared servicing proposals have been tabled. Towns and council areas are being cut and chopped, even split in half.
The support for workers to attend the scheduled sessions has been varied. All workers should be able to attend relevant catchment meeting(s) in paid time given the risks this poses to job security, employment conditions, starting locations and more.
The Minister must intervene and ensure consultation occurs in every Tasmanian Council area, with workers and with communities.