1,000 signatures reached
To: Scott Morrison, Prime Minister
Cook is a crook!

Captain Cook is not someone to celebrate, his arrival was the beginning of the end for our Mob. Commemorating Captain Cook is a commemoration of genocide.
Scott Morrison should immediately cut the funding for Turnbull's Captain Cook statue and celebrations. The funding should support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led social and economic initiatives to close the gap instead.
Scott Morrison should immediately cut the funding for Turnbull's Captain Cook statue and celebrations. The funding should support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led social and economic initiatives to close the gap instead.
Why is this important?
For a lot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, the commemoration of the arrival of the first fleet promotes the highest degree of negativity. The arrival of the first fleet marks the beginning of the oppression of our mob - the continued disadvantage and structural violence perpetrated towards First Nations people began on this day.
I am an Aboriginal man whose mob is from the NT, and I am cut up inside whenever I see anything to do with Captain Cook or the First Fleet, because these things represent the suffering that my family have historically faced and continue to face.
We do not think this is an appropriate use of tax payers funds, working people earned these funds, including our Mob, and this is a shocking misuse of government money. We want this funding redacted from the government, and you should too!
Sign our petition and share with the hashtag #cookisacrook!
Like our Facebook page to support our campaign: www.facebook.com/cookisacrook
I am an Aboriginal man whose mob is from the NT, and I am cut up inside whenever I see anything to do with Captain Cook or the First Fleet, because these things represent the suffering that my family have historically faced and continue to face.
We do not think this is an appropriate use of tax payers funds, working people earned these funds, including our Mob, and this is a shocking misuse of government money. We want this funding redacted from the government, and you should too!
Sign our petition and share with the hashtag #cookisacrook!
Like our Facebook page to support our campaign: www.facebook.com/cookisacrook