10 signatures reached
To: James Merlino, Victorian Education MP and Daniel Tehan, Federal Education MP
Cancel VCE Exams and ATAR Scores- Fully Fund Universities to Expand Access
This campaign has ended.

1. Cancel all VCE external exams. School Assessed Coursework and School Assessed Task results can be used to indicate successful attainment of the VCE.
2. Cancel ATAR scores for this year. These cannot be sensibly calculated or reliably used.
3. Public funding to vastly increase access to tertiary education, and public funding to ensure all universities institute entrance pathways that increase equitable access.
4. Cancel the GAT as an unnecessary moderating device when the other measures are undertaken.
2. Cancel ATAR scores for this year. These cannot be sensibly calculated or reliably used.
3. Public funding to vastly increase access to tertiary education, and public funding to ensure all universities institute entrance pathways that increase equitable access.
4. Cancel the GAT as an unnecessary moderating device when the other measures are undertaken.
Why is this important?
Teachers, students and parents across Victoria are facing stress, anxiety and inequality as the VCE exams approach. We call on the Ministers of Education to take these urgent measures to alleviate the stress, reduce the impossible pressure on teachers, and create pathways to tertiary education for Year 12 students.
These measures are urgent given;
*ongoing disruption to learning caused by the pandemic and the likely continuation of this into the new year;
*inequality of educational opportunity that the COVID pandemic has only compounded;
*increasingly short-time frame for any kind of alternative assessment;
*anxiety and uncertainty for school leavers as they face extremely competitive youth labour market and drastic cuts in the higher education sector;
*uncertain workload implications for teachers of individual special consideration applications.
These measures are urgent given;
*ongoing disruption to learning caused by the pandemic and the likely continuation of this into the new year;
*inequality of educational opportunity that the COVID pandemic has only compounded;
*increasingly short-time frame for any kind of alternative assessment;
*anxiety and uncertainty for school leavers as they face extremely competitive youth labour market and drastic cuts in the higher education sector;
*uncertain workload implications for teachers of individual special consideration applications.