1,000 signatures reached
To: Crossbench Members of the Australian Senate
Bury the Bill - Stop Government Changes to Student Debt
Reject the Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (Student Loan Sustainability) Bill 2018 in Parliament.
This proposed legislation will compromise access to Higher Education and burden disadvantaged Australians with further debt.
This proposed legislation will compromise access to Higher Education and burden disadvantaged Australians with further debt.
Why is this important?
The National Union of Students and the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations represent over 1.4 million students and are deeply concerned about this proposed legislation.
This legislation would see the repayment threshold for student debt lowered to $45,000. This unfairly targets lower income earners and therefore disproportionately impacts women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and graduates.
This proposed bill would also create a lifetime student debt cap of $104k as we move into a future workforce where graduates will be expected to retrain or further specialise multiple times throughout their working life.
We need to be preparing our generation for a lifetime of learning. The proposed legislation is shortsighted, and will fail to address escalating student debt.
Help us #BuryTheBill and contact a member of the crossbench.
This legislation would see the repayment threshold for student debt lowered to $45,000. This unfairly targets lower income earners and therefore disproportionately impacts women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and graduates.
This proposed bill would also create a lifetime student debt cap of $104k as we move into a future workforce where graduates will be expected to retrain or further specialise multiple times throughout their working life.
We need to be preparing our generation for a lifetime of learning. The proposed legislation is shortsighted, and will fail to address escalating student debt.
Help us #BuryTheBill and contact a member of the crossbench.
How it will be delivered
This petition will be presented the following crossbench members of the Australian Senate:
Rex Patrick, Stirling Griff, Timothy Storer, Fraser Anning, Derryn Hinch, Peter Georgiou & Steve Martin.