To: President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

BPO Workers Urgent Demands for Aid and Wage Subsidy

We, BPO workers, are economic frontliners. We kept the economy afloat despite the global and domestic impact of the COVID pandemic. Even with one of the world's longest and strictest lockdowns, our industry did not cease operations. We never stopped contributing to our economy.

Many of us who still report on-site, risk our life and limbs every day. And for those of us who are working at home are facing a lot of new challenges due to poor internet infrastructure, limited support and unfair policies on our targets.

Thousands among us have also been unjustly displaced from work and lost our source of livelihood yet we are exempted from government aid and very few companies offer financial support. Many companies are putting workers on No Work No Pay or on floating status even as they continue to hire new employees.

We call on the government to look into our urgent demands below and take necessary steps to ensure safety and economic security of BPO workers during the COVID pandemic:

1. PHP 10,000 per month cash aid from the governmentfor BPO workers who lost their jobs or on floating status
2. PHP 100 per day wage subsidy from the government for currently employed BPO workers to compensate for the increasing cost of living
3. Free mass testing, efficient contact tracing and free treatment of COVID 19.
4. Free, safe and effective vaccine for all

Why is this important?

The COVID pandemic and its economic consequences heavily impacted BPO workers’ safety, jobs and rights at work. From rising COVID cases in BPO worksites, loss of job and income due to floating or no work no pay, to lack of logistical and utility support for WFH employees, BPO workers indeed hurdle more challenges at work. In these trying times, let us stand as one by signing this petition to call on the Philippine government to look into our plight and take action.

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL
