Pre-school Funding Now

Early childhood education sets children up for life.
Experts agree that the first few years in a child’s life are the most important time for brain development and key to building good social and emotional skills, which will smooth a child’s transition into school.
Children who attend preschool can expect to achieve greater academic success, have better career prospects, better health and stronger family and personal relationships.
In fact, a recent report from the Mitchell Institute estimates that every dollar spent on early childhood education returns an economic benefit to Australian society between 2 and 4 dollars.
The most transformational policy intervention the Federal Government can make is to fund two years of preschool, delivered by degree qualified teachers, for all children.
The Preschool Funding Now! campaign is calling on the Government to commit to a high quality, permanently funded preschool sector. Join us and help ensure every child in Australia gets the best start in life.
Pre-school Funding Now is a campaign by the AEU Federal Branch.
Pre-school Funding Now is a campaign by the AEU Federal Branch.