AMA Victoria

AMA Victoria is the principal voice advancing the Victorian medical profession and influencing policy makers. We advocate for policies based on your real-world experiences, ensuring that healthcare evolves in a direction that benefits both the medical community and patients.

AMA Victoria stands as the sole voice for doctors in Victoria's workplaces, embodying a mission of advocacy and representation that tackles critical issues like workplace safety and resource allocation.

Our unique position enables us to elevate your concerns to the highest governmental echelons, ensuring that the voices of healthcare professionals are not just heard, but acted upon.

Our organization thrives on the strength of its members. Every doctor who joins becomes more than just a member; they become a partner in a dynamic, purpose-driven community. This collaborative effort is the driving force behind our push for meaningful healthcare reform.

Diversity is at the heart of our mission. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive organization, representing public hospital specialists from all backgrounds. This tapestry of perspectives enriches our advocacy, making it stronger and more effective.

We believe that the varied experiences and views of our members are vital in creating a healthcare system that serves everyone well.

Joining AMA Victoria is more than a membership – it's a partnership for change, an opportunity to amplify your voice, and a commitment to the betterment of healthcare in Victoria.