No Future for Nuclear

There's No Future for Nuclear in Australia. Nuclear energy is the most EXPENSIVE form of energy, it is at least 15 YEARS AWAY from generating power; and there is NO SAFE WAY to dispose of nuclear waste.

Australian's don't want Peter Dutton's risky reactor plan, join the fight against nulear energy by creating a petition for your community!

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of 9,000
across 2 local campaigns

Campaigns (2)

  • Say no to nuclear power in Queensland!
    Nuclear power poses grave risks for Queensland that outweigh any potential benefits. It would strain our limited freshwater resources, compete with agriculture and communities for water access, and produce hazardous radioactive waste we lack facilities to safely manage long-term. The threat of radioactive leaks or accidents could devastate our environment, contaminate food and water supplies, and cripple industries like tourism and fishing.  If a Chernobyl-like accident were to happen at a Callide nuclear power plant, the exclusion zone would span the area between Biloela north to Rockhampton, south to Gladstone down to Agnes Waters on the coast, and back across to Biloela – making a significant chunk of Central Queensland uninhabitable. Working people can’t afford the Liberal National Party’s nuclear pipe dream. It’s too expensive, too late, and too dangerous.
    2,682 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Queensland Unions
  • No Future for Nuclear
    We all know why Peter Dutton and his fossil fuel mates are pushing for nuclear power. To protect their profits by stalling our transition to renewable energy. Nuclear power will take decades to get up and running and will be extremely expensive - it is the most expensive option for Australia's energy. As a community we must show Peter Dutton that Nuclear has no future in Australia. Please sign and share the petition to show Peter Dutton and the Liberals that Australia rejects nuclear.
    5,800 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Trades Hall Council