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Buy the Aurora Australis Ship as an Emergency Response VesselThe Aurora Australis is the perfect vessel for emergency response. It's features include: • Ability to transport and transfer over 1 million litres of fuel • A functional hospital • A radio room that could restore communication temporarily • A helicopter Pad and refueling station • Accommodation for 109 persons over and above crew numbers • Water making capability • Storage capacity for emergency equipment, clothes or non perishable food To build a new ship with this capacity would cost in the hundreds of millions of dollars, yet Australia has the opportunity to purchase the Aurora Australis for a fraction of the cost.2,138 of 3,000 Signatures
Reinstate the shuttle BusWhen negotiating the move into the ROC, one of the agreed items was the commencement of a shuttle bus to run from Redfern Station to the ROC. The shuttle bus was an enticement to encourage workers to move into a cohesive workplace. Now Sydney Trains have decided to take this away and leave workers in the ROC to fend for themselves.113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Scarlett Bellette
Give us a break! Save Our Lismore HolidayPublic holidays are important times for all workers in the Lismore area. It’s a time to spend celebrating this great community, volunteering locally, catching up with family and friends, or just having some much-needed time out. If we have to work we rely on getting paid our penalty rates. Cutting our penalty rates means less money for us to spend in local businesses and less money to help us cover our living costs.384 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Public Service Association NSW
Get funding and donations to bushfire hit communities NOW!Charities have been criticised for not providing donations fast enough, yet our Government has been much much slower. From Northern NSW right down to the South Coast, families are still living tents or evacuation centres . They need help and support now!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Unions NSW
Pay And We Go: Stop UWA's transition to PAYGThe detrimental effects of PAYG have been felt at other campuses, such as Curtin. 83% of Curtin students surveyed in 2019 believed that PAYG pricing was not student friendly. A movement to this system will disproportionately affect students from low-SES backgrounds, non-metro areas, and those with high attendance requirements. We call on UWA to reconsider their decision and demand accessible and equitable parking options for all.5,066 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by UWA Student Guild
Fair Parking MorelandFair Parking Moreland is a community organisation that is committed to repealing the punitive parking changes being enacted by Moreland City Council, and ensuring that the Moreland Integrated Transport Strategy includes fair parking provisions that work for all residents. As they stand, the current policy impacts negatively on people with a disability, carers, older people, students and low wage workers. Parking in affected areas will be limited to 2 hours right up until 11 pm. People in houses will be able to buy parking permits valid only for their own street - and developments built after August 2011 won't be eligible at all! Staff in schools, childcare, aged care, health and retail businesses won’t be able to park near work. Residents won’t be able to have dinner parties longer than 2 hours. People will risk fines for everyday activities like taking their children to sport, having coffee with a friend after shopping, or waiting a bit too long for the doctor.1,198 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Jackson
Governor General: Cancel Bettina Arndts membership of the Order of AustraliaMs Ardnt has continually promoted harmful views undermining the sexual assaults on campus, as well as actively defending sexual assault perpetrators. This includes actively interviewing and defending convicted pedophile Nicholas Bester, blaming the sexual assaults on a 15 year old girl. Her views are dangerous and she has actively worked against the safety of women and thus she shouldn’t be honoured or represent Australia.274 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Savannah Benson
Mater, Don't Cut Pharmacist PayPharmacists are taking industrial action to fight off these draconian cuts. We're asking for your support so we can show Mater that the community values the care provided by pharmacists, and that it's not ok to cut pay.381 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Gianni Sottile
Bridget McKenzie Resign NowAn independent Auditor-General report released this month found political bias in how $100 million worth of sports grants were awarded by Sports Minister Bridget McKenzie.*1 The grants were awarded on the basis of which seats would benefit the Liberals and Nationals at the election. Many of the grants were awarded to wealthy sports clubs, rather than grassroots community sports. For example, one grant was given to a golf club in the wealthy Adelaide Hills to upgrade its foyer to make more money from wedding bookings.*2 Bridget McKenzie failed to disclose her membership of a shooting club which she then awarded taxpayer money.*3 Allocating money to benefit your political party and your own benefit is an abuse of power. The only reasonable course of action is for Bridget McKensie to resign now. 1 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-16/sports-club-angry-at-bridget-mckenzie-government-grants/11873320 2 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/21/upmarket-tennis-and-golf-clubs-among-recipients-of-major-sports-grants 3 https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/mckenzie-approved-36-000-for-shooting-club-without-saying-she-was-a-member-20200121-p53tbf.html3,906 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Unions NSW
Give every child the chance to thriveExtracurricular activities aren’t just a fun way to teach kids skills and help them burn off energy – they help kids feel included, build resilience and develop talent. They get kids active while increasing social and developmental skills. They are another place to fit in and thrive, if school or home are tough. Yet for children in low income families, participation in sports or music is out of reach.474 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Council of Single Mothers and their Children
Scott Morrison, please go back to HawaiiThe Prime Minister has shown a level of incompetence and inability to effectively lead our country in a time of need and crisis.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Lister
Victoria lets leave Aus and join NZWe are in a state of disaster. We need a proper PM. We need Jacinda Ardern ... not Scotty from Marketing.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cindy O'Connor