5,000 signatures reached
To: Paul Fletcher, Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts
Save Jobs at Opera Australia
This campaign has ended.

We request the Parliament and the Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts to urgently assist and support the musicians, singers, technical and manufacturing employees of Opera Australia, and all those who look to the company as the exemplar of Australian performing arts companies.
The announcement by Opera Australia management in late August to cut more than 40% of their permanent, seasonal and casual staff, including musicians, singers, technical and manufacturing employees, at the height of a pandemic and the deepest recession in living memory, threatens to destroy the company.
The announcement by Opera Australia management in late August to cut more than 40% of their permanent, seasonal and casual staff, including musicians, singers, technical and manufacturing employees, at the height of a pandemic and the deepest recession in living memory, threatens to destroy the company.
Why is this important?
We need urgent financial assistance to the company and the intervention of the Minister to ensure the company maintains its responsibility as the producer of world class opera in Australia. The company is in receipt of JobKeeper wage subsidies for all employees and is in regular receipt of Government funding. It is an unnecessary and unconscionable step to cut staff.